Shirley Community Primary & Preschool

Learning for life

Nuffield Road, Chesterton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 1TF

01223 712252


10th June 2022 - We go back to the 1950s to celebrate the Queen's Platinum Jubilee

We had a wonderful day on Friday 10th, at the end of our Platinum Jubilee Week. Children had been learning all about life at the time of the Queen's Coronation in 1952, and we had the pleasure of inviting in some special guests who shared their knowledge of the time with the children. 

We were joined by John and Bev Baker, Jean Norman, Marvin Caldwell as well as Peter and Rita Thomson, who shared their memories and the way that life was very different back then. We really enjoyed their visit to Year 3, 4 and 5 and were very grateful to them for coming in to join us.

Children then went to the hall to sing songs from a range of decades from the last 70s years of Queen Elizabeth's reign. Children of all ages took part, singing to a range of special guests including: our 1950s guest speakers, School Governors, Friends of Shirley and parents who had donated items to our museum. Our thanks to Miss Irvine for organising this - the children sang beautifully!


Finally, we all loved visiting our special museum which had many items from the past, kindly donated by staff and parents, to really show how life was different back then. 

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