Year 3 2023/24
Summer Half-Term A
W/C 06.05.24
This week, we have started our learning on money in maths. We have been looking at converitng pounds and pence as well as adding and subtracting different amounts of money. We have used physical coins to help us with this, which has been lots of fun. We've also been starting to look at a new text in writing called 'The Tin Forest'. We have been looking at the message of the text, which is about looking after the environment and caring for the local area aroun us. With this in mind, we will be writing our own non-chronological reports on the environment over the next two weeks, which will tie in nicely with our trip to the Botanic Gardens on Wednesday 15th May! We will be posting some pictures from the trip as well as some examples of the lovely chronological reports we will be writing - Stay tuned!
W/C 22.04.24
It has been a very busy start to the Summer term in Year 3! We've been busy in maths looking at mass and capacity, measuring different amounts of solids and liquids using scales and containers. We've done lots of practical work using these resources which has helped us to understand the concepts better. In writing, we have been looking at creating our own Narrative poems based on the text 'Jim: A Cautionary Tale'. We have been performing poems, creating plots and preparing to write our own poems using rhythm and ryhme.
Safety Week and Stone Age Day
We had an extremely busy end to the half term in Year 3, with both Safety Week and our special day of Stone Age learning. In safety week, our classes learned and recapped several ways to stay safe in a range of situations. One of our key pieces of learning was around strategies for staying safe online, with children discussing which types of details are appropriate to share online, and which are not.
Our Stone Age Day was a fantastic experience, with children engaging in a range of activities to deepen their understanding. We started the day off with Stone Age painting, where children created paints using a range of materials such as soil and clay. Then, we 'flint knapped' with bars of soap, forming them into flint tools. In the afternoon, we did some Stone Age den building. Overall, we had a fantastic end to the half term. We hope you had a restful week!
Anti-Bullying Week
This week has been Anti-Bullying Week at Shirley. Lots of our learning has focused on the topic of bullying, as well as what we can do to prevent it from happening in and around our school community. Our learning in year 3 has focused on clarifying the definitions of bullying, bullying behaviour, bystanders and targets of bullying behaviour. Ask your child and see if they can tell you what these terms mean!
We have also learned about cyberbullying and how to prevent these kinds of situations from occurring. Finally, we produced an Antibullying Mosaic featuring everything we have been learning about this week. Have a look in the picture below!
Have a great weekend,
The Y3 team!
First Weeks Back
We have been off to a great start this year in Year 3. For the first few weeks, we have focused on building relationships and friendships within the classroom and beyond. This has tied into our learning in PSHE about building a happy and safe classroom environment.We have also been thinking about our class rules, which the children agreed upon and added their signature to. We've also started our first topics in History, the Romans, and the children are eagerly looking forward to our Roman Day on the last day of the half term. In Science, we have been looking at forces such as friction and magnetism, which has been explored through lots of exciting experiments.
We look forward to sharing more of Year 3's learning as the year progresses!
Year 3 2022/23
International Week
Foxes Class
We have had such a week! Out chosen country for international week was Nigeria. Every day, we have had a different lesson that has explored a different aspect of Nigerian traditions and culture. On Monday, we looked at the differences between the busy, bustling cities of Nigeria and its calm, beautiful countryside. We learned a lot about the different regions that Nigeria has, learning a lot about its Geography. We wrote a short piece comparing the countryside to the cities of the country. On Tuesday, we produced our own versions of traditional masks using oil pastels, as well as drawing our own versions of a savanna scene. We also learned about traditional Nigerian tales and produced our own, called 'Why Humans No Longer Have Tails'! On Friday, we ended the week by sharing our learning with Tree Kangaroos. They taught us what they had learned about the Netherlands, while we shared our learning on Nigeria with them. What a fun week!
Badgers Class
What a fantastic week we've had in Badgers class! For international week, our country was India. We have learnt so much about India! To begin the week, we had an introduction to India. We learnt about the population size, capital city and currency in India. Then, we read the Jungle Book and wrote a diary entry as if we were Mowgli. On Wednesday, we were very lucky as we had visitors who are from India. We learnt about the different states, places to go, traditional clothes, festivals, different languages and food. It was so interesting! We even got to ask our own questions such as 'what is the temperature in India?' Not only that, we learnt how to say 'good morning' and 'good afternoon' in Malayali and we learnt a popular dance from India. To end the week, we have sketched in the style of Raja Ravi Varma and have shared everything we have learnt with Blue Whales.
Diversity Week
This week in our school was Diversity Week! Year 3's focus was on the diversity of our community. On Monday, we spoke about the meaning of diversity and shared what it means to us. On Tuesday, we looked at the diversity of religions in our community, and shared what we know about them. Finally, we looked at the diversity of the languages and cultures that make up our classroom and year group.
We shared our learning with the whole school on Friday as part of our sharing assembly - some members of our class shared wonderful acrostic poems that they had composed!
Forest School
This week we had our first visit into the nature area! We had so much fun! First, we explored the area then we went on a treasure hunt to find 'Signs of Spring'. We found blossom, tadpoles and saw some bees!
Remember to bring your wellies or spare trainers for next week!
Science Week!
This week was British Science Week, which was very exciting! Things were kicked off with a great assembly from Mrs Wernham, who gave us some ideas about asking scientific questions. On Monday afternoon, we experimented with the classic coke and mentos test, starting with 2 mentos all the way up to 6! We recorded which reaction was the largest, and made some evaluations about the experiment.
On Friday, we learned about why volcanoes erupt and even made one erupt in our classroom! Thankfully, no one went home smelling like vinegar (except Mr Waterman!) We will be seeing if we can get an even bigger reaction on Monday when we try it again. Videos to come when we do!
Have a fantastic weekend, everyone!
The Y3 team :)
Life Education Bus and World Book Day
What an exciting week we've had in Year 3!
On Thursday and Friday, we had our session in the Life Education Bus. We learnt about our brain and how our brain makes choices for us. For example, choosing to put healthy food and drink into our bodies to give us energy. We also met Harold, the giraffe, who had a friendship problem and we had to help him, using our good choices, find a solution to his problem.
On Friday we celebrated World Book Day, it was very exciting! We spent the whole day exploring the book, The Wizard of Oz. We read and enjoyed the book then created a setting description about the Emerald City. We even used a thesaurus to find exciting adjectives! Then we predicted what would happen next in the book. We then had to create a new page of the book, which even included illustrations, for Year 1 children. We can't wait to share it with them!
Here are just a few of our amazing costumes!
Safety Week
During safety week, we have been discussing risks. We started off by identifying what a risk is and how we might react, emotionally and physically, to a risk. After, we discussed that people might pressure us to act in a risky way however, there are things that we can do and say to stop us from acting in a risky way. We also identified people we can ask for help in risky situations these can be known or unknown (the police, shop keeper) people. We also explored the SMART rules for keeping safe online.
We also had a very exciting visit from Fire Fighters! In assembly, they explained to us how to stay safe in our house for example, checking we have working fire alarms and to have an escape plan in case of emergencies. During break time, we were able to look at the fire engine and speak to the fire fighters are they parked in our playground!
Week beginning 26/11/22
In French, we have learnt our numbers to 20 and how to have simple conversations for example, asking 'How are you?' As we have done so well, we are ready to take on a challenge. We have started our Christmas unit of work. This will include, a short nativity performance, an opportunity to learn about traditional festive food for example, a Bûche de Noël and to write a letter to Father Christmas. How exciting!
Have a fantastic weekend!
Mr Waterman and Miss Graves
Week beginning 21/11/22
This week, we have looked at planning letters as part of our English text, 'The Tear Thief'. The children were asked to plan and prepare to write their own letters to a younger year in the school, explaining to them why crying was important and healthy. This prompted lots of discussion about why we cry and how it makes us feel - it was really nice for us all to get in touch with our feelings! We will be writing these letters out in full next week - we will make sure to post some examples of work!
Next week, the children are looking forward to a few events - an advent assembly lead by a visitor from out of school, as well as some lucky children who have been selected to compete in a local cross country competition.
We hope you have a fantastic weekend - enjoy the football if you're watching!
Mr Waterman and Miss Graves
Week beginning 14/11/22
This week has been anti-bullying week, so we have been doing lots of activities based on this year's theme 'Reach Out'. First, we reminded ourselves about what bullying, bullying behaviour and cyber-bullying is. We explored different scenarios to decide whether it is or is not bullying. Then we discussed how you can 'Reach Out' if you or someone you know is being bullied. Finally, we created an anti-bullying week graffiti wall so more people are aware about bullying is and ways people can 'Reach Out'.
Week beginning 07/11/22
This week, we have been focusing on four figure grid references in Geography. The children learned how to navigate a map using the phrase 'Across the corridor, up the stairs'!
Using these skills, children were able to find locations on a pirate's treasure map, noting down the corresponding four figure grid references. Some children even moved on to create their own treasure maps that others could have a go at using!
We have also been learning about Remembrance Day through circle time and assemblies. Both classes have been making poppy themed decorations and writing poems to celebrate the meaning of the day.
Have a fantastic weekend,
Miss Graves and Mr Waterman
Week beginning 31/10/22
This week in English, we have been writing our own traditional tale taking inspiration from the Pied Piper of Hamelin. We have worked very hard to add interesting dilemmas and include speech.
In Maths, we have been learning how to use the column method for addition and subtraction.
We have started our new unit of work in Computing which is coding. We were exploring how to program our sprite to move and perform different actions.
Have a great weekend,
Miss Graves and Mr Waterman
Week beginning 11/10/22
This week we have been looking at a new story - the Pied Piper of Hamelin! Children have been acting in role as advisors to the mayor in the story, helping him make decisions based on information in the story.
The children have all been working very hard in maths to figure out subtracting with exchanging - we are making really good progress here!
We have also been continuing to look at the Romans in History lessons, making Roman shields and invading each other's classrooms! The children were all very excited about this. We also completed some fantastic writing pieces about the Romans which will be going up on our display - pictures to come!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Graves and Mr Waterman
Week beginning 04/10/22
This week, in English, we have been writing our own narrative based on the story 'Sparky'. Within these stories we have been practicing using speech, expanded noun phrases and fronted adverbials. We are so excited to publish these stories which will be going on our English display for everyone around the school to see.
In Art we have been practicing sketching and in French we have been counting to 10.
In Science, our topic is Forces and Magnets. We have participated in an investigation where we had to find out which materials were magnetic. We had so much fun!
We hope you have a great weekend,
Miss Graves and Mr Waterman
Week beginning 19/09/2022
For the first few weeks, the children have been focusing on getting to know one another and developing their teamworking skills. A particular highlight has been the board game project that we have been working on, where children worked in small groups to create board games from their imaginations. Both classes have said that this has been a great way to get to know our newer pupils and develop their team working skills.
Children have also been trying very hard to earn their own Cambridge Half Marathon medals through our Daily Mile practise! Children have been trying very hard to improve their stamina and run about 4 laps (1 mile) of our field a day! Wow!
Have a lovely weekend,
Mr Waterman and Miss Graves
Week beginning Monday 11th July 2022
As participants in this year's 'Young Readers' Programme' organised by the National Literacy Trust, Year 3 were treated to a wonderful and engaging storytelling session with author and storyteller Wendy Shearer! She travelled from London to share a folktale with us which was all about a mischievous and cunning spider called Anansi. Anansi is a character that features in folktales from West Africa and the Caribbean. We had a wonderful time listening to the story and helping to tell it while joining in with the actions and dialogue between characters!
Week beginning Monday 4th July 2022
This week, we enjoyed taking part in the Key Stage Two Sports Day! We demonstrated great stamina as we completed a carousel of eight different activities which included the long jump and shuttle throwing. Completing these activities gave us the chance to earn points for our teams. Some of us also took part in competitive races for running and skipping while the rest of us cheered our team members on.
We had a lovely afternoon planting sunflowers in the school garden with Mrs. Roe who surprised us by coming to help again and sharing her gardening expertise!
Eco-Week- Week beginning Monday 27th June 2022
We have enjoyed being extra eco-friendly this week!
We read the story 'Last Tree in the City' by Peter Carnabas and this inspired the theme for our junk modelling. The story is about a boy called Edward who lives in a city full of dull buildings and only one tree. One day, this tree is cut down leaving Edward devastated. He then finds part of the tree and decides to plant it. This in turn inspires other residents of the city who start planting trees and flowers. We used recycled materials to create models of buildings for our own city. We then brightened up our 'city' by making trees and flowers from recycled materials.
Thanks to some fundraising by Reception organised by Ms. Burles, we were able to buy and plant two trees. Hopefully when they mature, they will flower and brighten up our school grounds! We were very excited to have Ms. Roe who surprised us by coming into school to help!
The Queen's Jubilee Celebration Week- Week beginning Monday 6th June 2022
We have enjoyed celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee by learning about the Queen's coronation ceremony and the crown she wore on this momentous day! We had a go at making our own versions of the St. Edward's Crown using a template and creating our own patterns.
In Maths, we have been learning about mass and reading scales. We applied this learning to some biscuit-making as we weighed ingredients for biscuit dough using mechanical scales. We got to eat our biscuits during our Jubilee party in class. They were a little sweet but we enjoyed them!
We had a wonderful time performing our song 'Roar' by Katy Perry for the Jubilee concert for invited guests and learnt lots of interesting facts about life in the 1950s from Mrs. and Mrs. Thomson! We found out that you had to go to several different shops to get different items as there weren't any supermarkets like Tesco and Sainsbury's which we have today. Also, food was often wrapped in newspaper!
Equality and Diversity Week- Week beginning Monday 23rd May 2022
This week, we have been discussing what the words 'equality' and 'diversity' mean. We have also been learning about influential Black Britons from the past and currently.
We enjoyed learning about the lives of Olaudah Equiano, Mary Seacole and Claudia Jones and discussed why Marcus Rashford is such a positive and influential role model . We wrote our own short biographies, fact files and created timelines. We also created posters advertising the Notting Hill Carnival and included information about its original founder Claudia Jones.
Friday 11th February 2022
We were very sad to say to goodbye to Mrs. Roe this week but we had great fun making, baking and eating some delicious cakes and scones for our tea party!
We have doing lots on work on safety for Safety Week this week! We have learned about what to do in an emergency situation and how to stay safe online. We enjoyed learning about road safety and being safe on your bike from members of the police force and fire brigade. We were also able to reflect on all that we were learned as we wrote short non-chronological reports about a chosen area of safety.
We have been learning how to work out change when buying an item in Maths and have been applying to this knowledge to problem-solving and investigations about money.
We hope everyone has a lovely half-term next week!
Friday 4th February 2022
This week, we concluded work on our unit of writing based on 'The Cloud Tea Monkeys' as we wrote our non-chronological reports about tea.
We have been learning about money in Maths and have been looking at how to count coins in pounds and pence as well as convert pence into pounds.
We had great fun whittling and making Stone-Age inspired tools in this week's Forest School session!
Friday 28th January 2022
This week, we enjoyed learning about instruments in the horn section of an orchestra.
In English, we have learnt some fascinating facts about the history of tea and how tea is made. We are nearly ready to write reports in-role as tea experts next week!
In Maths, we have been learning how to divide 2-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers and making links to our knowledge of times tables.
In our Science lesson, we got to found out about different types of soils and their properties.
We have been learning how to spell the 'shun' and 'zhun' sounds at the ends of words. We learnt that if a words ends with a 'shun' sound, we shoot the ti-on! If it is a 'zhun' sound, we use sion (e.g attention, division).
Friday 21st January 2022
This week, we enjoyed learning about orchestral instruments in our Music lesson and had a go at playing violins. It was fun taking it in turns to be the conductor for our 'string orchestra'!
In English, we have enjoyed doing some writing based on our current text 'The Cloud Tea Monkeys' and have been learning about where different types of tea leaves are grown preparation for report-writing.
We have been learning how to use the column method for multiplication when multiplying 2 digit and 1-digit numbers in Maths and have enjoyed working on investigations where we had to investigate statements about calculations. We have been exercising our learning muscles and working on our ability to persevere when doing challenging tasks!
Wednesday 12th January 2022
We have had another busy start to the week and have been continuing to enjoy our new Science topic. This week we were investigation properties of different rocks e.g. how porous and how hard wearing they are. We were disappointed that we did not get to continue our exploration outside due to a rainy Tuesday when we were timetabled to be in the forest schools area. However, we managed to do some of our activities indoors, such as rock painting and making models of rivers and beaches in trays.
Wednesday 5th January 2022
Happy New Year to everyone in Year 3! It is great to be back and hear all about your Christmas break.
Today we started our new English unit of work that is based on the text 'The Cloud Tea Monkeys' by Mal Peet and Elspeth Graham. We started off by becoming tea tasters and we had a selection of teas to smell and to taste. We wrote some great descriptions. See the photos of our tea tasting below!
We also started our new Science topic 'Rocks, Soils and Fossils'. We enjoyed learning about different types of rocks and we used magnifying glasses to investigate them and then label and sort them. See photos below.