Have a browse of our latest Curriculum letter for the autumn term to see what the children are learning this new school year.
Key information
PE - The Year 5 PE Day for this half term is: Friday. Please make sure that your child comes to school on Friday wearing their PE kit comprising of their school jumper, a t-shirt in the colour of their team, black or dark grey shorts or joggers and suitable trainers. Jewellery, such as earrings and watches, must not be worn.
Swimming - Year 5 go swimming in the Spring term on Thursdays. Please make sure your child comes to school with a swimming kit comprised of a swimming costume and towel (hairbrush and deodorant optional, no shampoo or body wash will be allowed).
'The Daily Mile' - Year 5 are participating every day. Please ensure your child is wearing appropriate footwear for running.
Home-learning - Home learning will be sent home on a Thursday and will be due back on Tuesday. This will include spellings to practise through the week, reading and an English or Maths activity alternating each week.
Helping at home
Please find below some key documents and links that can help your child at home to make progress in their learning.
Accelerated Reader Link | TT Rockstars Link | Purple Mash Link | Bug Club Link | Top Marks Maths Games Link | Flash Academy Link | Ed Shed Link | Track My Read Link |
Name | Format | ||
Files | |||
Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words.docx | .docx | ||
Year 34 and 56 Common Exception Words.docx | .docx | ||
Multiplication Tables and Multiplication Grid.docx | .docx | ||
Zones of Regulation Parents Information.docx | .docx |
Mental Health Week 2025
This week, Year 5 took part in some activities exploring feelings and emotions. We talked about whatfeelings might be comforatable and uncomfortable and what strategies we can use to get from an uncomfortable feeling to a more comfortable one. We tried out lots of different strategies and made a poster of the ones that we feel would work best for us. Take a look at some Tree Kangaroos taking part in some Yoga and a few of their posters.
Antibullying Week
This week, Year 5 took part in antibullying week. We started the week looking at this year's theme 'Choose Respect'. We learnt about what bullying behaviour is and is not and how we can choose respect. Throughout the week we explored scenarios and examples of bullying and had discussions. We also made window displays that can be seen from the playground that children can refer to to help them choose respect. Finally, we made a giant poster of all we learnt and will display this in the classroom for the rest of the year. We shared our learning with Year 3 on Friday afternoon and learnt what they got up to this week as well.
Year 5 have just finished their first Writing unit studying 'The Lost Happy Endings'. We looked at lots of different features we could use to make our writing more interesting such as adverbial phrases, expanded noun phrases, relative clauses, figurative language and speech. Once we had studied our skills, we put them into practice, rewriting the story of 'The Lost Happy Endings' and then wrote our own stories with our own ideas. Take a look at some examples below, can you spot any features?
Welcome to the first blog post of the academic year! The new Tree Kangaroos and Blue Whales came into their classes to see a huge display full of their creative collages created during our move up sessions last term. We have since added to the display by painting and colouring our own Tree Kangaroos and Blue Whales. Take a look below!
Anti-Bullying Week - wb 11.11.24
Last week was Anti-Bullying Week so the children in Year 5 spent some time each day working to understand bullying and its effects and discussing the importance of respect in line with this year's theme, 'Choose Respect.' We created our own class posters defining respect in our own words and wore odd socks to school on Monday as a symbol of our own uniqueness and individuality. One of the highlights of the week occurred on Friday when we were visited by the one and only Pudsey Bear from BBC Children in Need with whom we danced to end the week in style!