Shirley Community Primary & Preschool

Learning for life

Nuffield Road, Chesterton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 1TF

01223 712252

Applying for a place

Admissions to Shirley Community Primary School are managed entirely by the Local Authority, Cambridgeshire County Council (with the exception of Pre-School places - please see below).

To request a place at our school, please contact the Admissions Team at Cambridgeshire County Council on 03450 451 370 or visit the Local Authority website below:

Admissions Cambridgeshire

If you would like to visit the school before making your application you are very welcome to do so.  Please contact the School Office to arrange a visit on 01223-712252 or

If you wish to join the school at any time other than at the start of the school year, known as an In Year School Application, please consult the following section of the Local Authority website:

In Year School Application 



Shirley Pre-School is offered to children aged 2 (starting the term after their second birthday). If you would like to apply for a place in our Pre-School please contact the school directly.

To learn more about how free childcare at Shirley Pre-school works, please visit our pre-school page. To find out if you are entitled to government-funded childcare, please click here.


Pre-School Application Form

Please complete and return the below application form. Printed copies are available from the School Office.

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Visits to Shirley School for new parents

We would very much like you to be able to visit our school so that we can show you our wonderful working environment and how well our children are engaged in their learning. Please contact the school office to request a visit.

Copies of Cambridgeshire County Council's documents which set out the shared visions for Cambridgeshire schools - a great place to learn, teach, work and volunteer can be found below.

Below is a presentation for new parents along with a short film, to give you a taste of life at Shirley.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Admission Policy to Shirley Community Primary School

Shirley School is a community LA school.

We have a Pre-School and a further 14 classes from Reception through to Year 6. Each year group has two classes and each class has a maximum of 30 pupils.

Cambridgeshire County Council is responsible for the admission arrangements for all Cambridgeshire schools. Our Published Admission Number of pupils (PAN) is 60 per year.

The Admissions Team for our school  can be contacted by


Tel: 0345 0451370

Applications deadlines for Primary and Secondary SchoolS in Cambridgeshire

Primary School applications - closing date 15th January 2024

Secondary School applications - closing date 31st October 2023