Nuffield Road, Chesterton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 1TF
01223 712252



Welcome to our Year 6 page!
Here, you can enjoy looking at photos of our learning and access games and websites that can help to take the learning on further.
Teaching Staff:
Rhinos - Mr Hill
Sea Turtles - Miss Swann (Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mr Dennis (Monday, Thursday and Friday)
Rhinos -  Mrs Regan and Mrs Brock 
Sea Turtles - Mrs Webb 
Key information
PE: Tuesdays - Please make sure your child attends school wearing their PE kit (a jumper, t-shirt - ideally in their team colour, shorts or trousers and suitable trainers). If your child wears earrings that day (studs only), please ensure they can take them out themselves.
Swimming:  This term, we will be swimming every Thursday afternoon.  Please ensure that your child brings their swimming kit on that day with their swimming costume and a towel.

Homework will be set each Thursday and should be returned by the following Tuesday. Weekly spellings will be sent home with the homework on Thursdays and your child will be tested on these the following Wednesday.


Letters for Parents/Carers:
Please see our newsletter for information on our curriculum, topics and diary dates.
Nuffield Road, Chesterton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 1TF
01223 712252



Welcome to our Year 6 page!
Here, you can enjoy looking at photos of our learning and access games and websites that can help to take the learning on further.
Teaching Staff:
Rhinos - Mr Hill
Sea Turtles - Miss Swann (Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mr Dennis (Monday, Thursday and Friday)
Rhinos -  Mrs Regan and Mrs Brock 
Sea Turtles - Mrs Webb 
Key information
PE: Tuesdays - Please make sure your child attends school wearing their PE kit (a jumper, t-shirt - ideally in their team colour, shorts or trousers and suitable trainers). If your child wears earrings that day (studs only), please ensure they can take them out themselves.
Swimming:  This term, we will be swimming every Thursday afternoon.  Please ensure that your child brings their swimming kit on that day with their swimming costume and a towel.

Homework will be set each Thursday and should be returned by the following Tuesday. Weekly spellings will be sent home with the homework on Thursdays and your child will be tested on these the following Wednesday.


Letters for Parents/Carers:
Please see our newsletter for information on our curriculum, topics and diary dates.
Nuffield Road, Chesterton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 1TF
01223 712252



Welcome to our Year 6 page!
Here, you can enjoy looking at photos of our learning and access games and websites that can help to take the learning on further.
Teaching Staff:
Rhinos - Mr Hill
Sea Turtles - Miss Swann (Tuesday and Wednesday) and Mr Dennis (Monday, Thursday and Friday)
Rhinos -  Mrs Regan and Mrs Brock 
Sea Turtles - Mrs Webb 
Key information
PE: Tuesdays - Please make sure your child attends school wearing their PE kit (a jumper, t-shirt - ideally in their team colour, shorts or trousers and suitable trainers). If your child wears earrings that day (studs only), please ensure they can take them out themselves.
Swimming:  This term, we will be swimming every Thursday afternoon.  Please ensure that your child brings their swimming kit on that day with their swimming costume and a towel.

Homework will be set each Thursday and should be returned by the following Tuesday. Weekly spellings will be sent home with the homework on Thursdays and your child will be tested on these the following Wednesday.


Letters for Parents/Carers:
Please see our newsletter for information on our curriculum, topics and diary dates.