Nuffield Road, Chesterton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 1TF
01223 712252



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Welcome back! We hope everyone had a lovely break. There has been an air of excitment as the children have been sharing lots of stories of what they got up to during their Christmas break.  The children have enjoyed settling back into preschool life. They have been very busy with lots of different activities and exploring the changes in the icy weather we have been having. 


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We had a lovely week to end the school term. We had lots of fun mark making in sand, singing lots of songs and the children even had a practise at  writing some letters from their names for cards they had made for their families.

We hope that everyone has a lovely break and we will look forward to welcoming  everyone back on Tuesday the 7th January. 


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The children continued with their festive activities week. They made some beautiful crowns which they are looking forward to sharing with their grown ups, during their arts and crafts session next week. They have also been practising some christmas songs which they will sing with their grown ups during the arts and crafts session. 

Also this week whilst the children were playing outside they built an amazing obstacle course which they all thouroughly enjoyed, they were showing off their great balancing skills travelling along it.


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Christmas has arrived in Caterpillar class. The children had a great time decorating our class christmas tree this week. They all took turns to put some baubles, tinsel and other decorations on it. It made us all feel very festive. We were also excited to meet some new friends who came for a play session this week, it was a great opportunity for the few new children to come and explore the classroom and get to know the grown ups and children they would be playing with when they start with us in January. 


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What a busy week the children have had this week. They have really enjoyed lots of various arts and crafts activities. They did some bubble printing, painting, leaf pictures and practised their scissor skills. It was lovely to get outside and enjoy some outdoor craft activities and seeing the autumnul colours in our outdoor spaces. 


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The children have been busy making lots of pictures to add to our 'The very hungry caterpillar' display. They used all sorts of resources to make the differnt pieces of fruit from the story and a beautiful butterfly which is looking amazing on the display. It gave the children an opportunity to learn about the life cycle of a butterfly. 


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We were very excited to have a visit from Pudsey this week! The children gave him lots of high fives and he joined us for a dance called The Wiggle Dance which is by Danny Go. What a great way to end the week. 


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This week was Anti Bullying Week at Shirley School. In preschool we talked about our school rules, Be kind, Be safe, Be responible. To help the children understand the rules and put them into practise we made our class charter. Children and adults in Caterpillars Class have agreed that: 

  • We will ask for help if we need it
  • We will listen 
  • We will help to tidy up
  • We will take turns
  • We will share
  • We will keep our belongings on our pegs

The children are becoming good at demonstating this when they're at school with their friends. It is great to see the children making lovely friendships, being kind to each other and being so helpful in class. 



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The children had an amazing time when the role play company Little City came to visit us. There was such a variety role play for the children to explore and play with. They had:

A salon & nail bar, a vets, a firestation, a construction site, a cafe, a supermarket, a fantasy dress up area, a garage, a post office, an airport and a doctors. 

The children were so busy playing in every role play area and we are really excited to have Little City visit us again next term. 


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Welcome back everyone. We hope you all had a lovely half term break. The children have had a good week settling back into school. We have been busy talking about fireworks this week as many of us watched some lovely fireworks displays over the past few days. We talked to the children all about how to keep safe, whether they were at home watching or going out with their grown ups to watch some fireworks. They have also been really busy creating their own displays. The children have used lots of paint, chalk and glitter to make their own beautiful fireworks pictures which we have put up in the classroom for everyone to see and enjoy. 


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The children in pre-school have been very busy over the last couple of weeks. As well as reading the story We're going on a bear hunt the children have been making lots of pieces of work for our display in school. They shared with us the sounds they heard in the story and what it made them think of. We love our new bear hunt display :) 


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We have been enjoying lots of outdoor exploring this week. The children have had fun running around the school field and going on a bear hunt in the nature area. We have been doing the actions from the story 'We're going on a bear hunt' in the nature area as we hunt for bears. We have been travelling throught the swishy swashy grass, squelch squirching through mud and even tiptoeing through caves. 



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The children have settled really well in Caterpillar class. They have been busy exploring and making new friends. We have enjoyed getting to know all of our new friends and have been busy with lots of different fun activities. It has been nice to enjoy the lovely weather when visiting the school field and nature area, noticing all of the changes that Autumn brings with it.



What a lovely treat to the end of summer term. The children all really enjoyed their Ice cream when Toni's Ices came to visit us this week. They loved visiting the van and collecting their own ice creams or ice pops and they all had lovely manners remembering to say please and thank you. The sun even made an appearance for our second visit and we got to enjoy our ice creams on the field. 

We hope that everyone enjoys their summer holidays. Good luck to all our of children leaving us to go onto reception. You are all amazing and we wish you all the best of luck. We will look forward to welcoming back our younger children from Wednesday the 4th of September. 


Hazard the Hedgehog

We had a special visitor in caterpillar class this week. One of our TA's Miss Smith has an African Pygmy hedgehog and her name is Hazard. Miss Smith brought her into class this week so that the children could meet her. The children all know about Hazard and have seen lots of photos and learnt lots about her so it was exciting to finally meet her. The children all had a turn at holding Hazard on their laps and getting to know her and it looks like Hazard enjoyed getting to know the children too :). We can't wait for her to visit us again soon!



Ark Farm

We had a lovely visit from Ark farm this week who brought with them lots of different animals for the children to meet. We met rabbits, guinea pigs, skinny pigs, a hedgehog, a dog, sugar gliders, chincillas, a harvest mouse, a tree frog, a gecko lizard, a tortoise and duck. We had so much fun meeting them and learning some things about them. The tortoises favourite food is banana. The chinchillas, sugar gliders and the gecko lizard are nocturnal animals. The chinchillas were named after famous sisters Anna and Elsa. And the dog really enjoyed eating the rabbits and guinea pigs carrots and having a sun bathe in our playground in the sunshine :) .


Wow what a hot week it has been. We have been doing lots to stay cool this week with the children. We enjoyed a visit to the nature area and sheltered under the shade of the trees, we also had lots of indoor and outdoor waterplay which definitely helped us to cool off in the heat. Some of the children used the sun to help them draw each others shadows. 



This week at school we celebrated international week, pre-school learnt all about Italy. We did all sorts of fun activities including making pizzas out of paper plates, painted ice creams using sponges, we had some sensory play with pasta and made our own Italian flags using paint and painted pasta. We also looked at where Italy was on the map and learnt about the Leaning Tower of Pisa watching the Go Jetters. The children had a great week. Here is some simple words we learnt also:

  • Ciao (Hi)
  • Arrivederci (Goodbye)
  • Per favore (Please)
  • Sí (Yes)


We had a great time visiting our nature area. The children enjoyed exploring the surroundings and how it has changed with the changes in the weather. We noticed that the grass had grown alot with the recent rain and sunshine. The tree's were looking very full with leaves, we even spotted some pondlife.  



Welcome back to all of our families, we hope everyone had a lovely week despite the rain. The children had a good week settling back into pre-school, they were all very busy and enjoying all of their activities. It was lovely to see some sunshine inbetween the rain :) 



This week in school was health week and walk to school week. The children had lots of fun telling us how they travelled to school either by car, bike, scooter or walking. We also talked lots about how to keep safe in the sun and how to keep our teeth healthy. The children shared lots of great ideas with us. Not only have the children enjoyed their exercise this week, whether they walked, biked or scootered to school and even dancing, its good for their overall physical development. 


The ducks have now waddled off to the farm. We were very sad to see them go but we had a great time looking after them. We enjoyed watching them hatch, then seeing them explore their brooder and taking them for their first swim. They absolutely loved the water which they enjoyed splashing about in and cleaning themselves. We will miss you little ducklings.  




We have eggciting news! We arrived to school this morning to 3 excitable ducklings. We have now put them into their brooder where they are now exploring, eating, drinking and playing. They are very sociable and have enjoyed meeting all the children today. We are looking forward to introducing them to their new paddling pool where they can enjoy their 1st swim. 


We have had a duckling arrive on the morning of Thursday the 16th May. We are all very excited about the new arrival. We just need to wait for another friend to hatch before we can move them both over to their brooder and they can start exploring. Don't worry though the 1st duckling is happy and keeping safe and warm whilst it waits for its friends :) . 

14TH MAY 2024 



We had a special delivery this week, we had 5 duck eggs delivered which we are hatching in class. The children were very excited exploring the duck eggs and are eagerly awaiting them to hatch. We are looking forward to their arrival and to take them for their 1st paddle :) . 


Sunflower update

The children have been doing a great job looking after their sunflowers. They have been making sure they are watered and getting enough sunlight keeping them by the window. We have loved watching them grow and seeing the roots of their sunflowers grow out of the bottom of their pots. The children will be bringing them home this week ready to plant at home. We would love to see any pictures you take of the children's sunflowers, if you would like to share any with us they can be sent to our class email address : and we will share these with all of the children. 


What a lovely few days of sunshine we had! The children had a great time enjoying the school field this week and exploring all the nature that has changed over the spring term.  With the weather becoming warmer we want to remind everyone to please send children into school with sun hats and sun screen applied. If your child attends all day and you would like sunscreen reapplied for the afternoon session please supply some for us to use. We are happy to label them and keep them in Pre-school.  Water is available all day for the children to keep hydrated and we will continue to go outside and enjoy our outdoor areas as long as it is safe to do so. 



This week we planted our sunflower seeds. We had some old sunflowers from last summer that had dried and we used the seeds from them to plant new sunflowers. The children had lots of fun exploring the sunflower heads and picking out the seeds. They are learning to take good care of their sunflowers and watering them to help them grow. We look forward to updating you on their progress. 


We had a very creative week this week, this children have used lots of resources to make lots of creations. Some children use dried colourful pasta and string to make jewelry, some used junk modelling to make different creations and some used pipe cleaners and beads.


Welcome back to all of our families. We hope you all had a lovely Easter break. Also welcome to our new families who have joined us this term. We have had a busy week making new friends and settling back into pre-school. We have had lots of fun with paint this week and making obstacle courses in our outdoor area. 



Little City visit 

We had a fantastic visit from a mobile role play city this week. It was a lovely experience to end the term with. The children all had a fantastic time! They got to choose from 10 different role play areas a hairdressers and nail salon, a supermarket, a post office, a doctors, a vet, a fire station, a garage, a café, a construction area and dressing up area. It was lovely to see the children so busy and enjoy all the role play areas provided. If you would like to know more about Little City and where to find them we have attached a link below that will take you to the website page.

We hope all of our families have a lovely Easter break and we look forward to seeing you all back from Tuesday the 16th of April. 


Potato head update!

Our science week experiment has gone well. Our potatoes have grown lots of hair. Some potatoes have grown less hair and we found that the seeds we use from 1 shop grew slower than ones bought from another shop. The cress hair smells lovely in the classroom. The children have really enjoyed watching how much they have grown. 


Science week

This week in school was science week. The pre-school children have had alot of fun each making their own potato head. We added cotton wool and sprinkled some cress seeds on top, we talked about what we the seeds might need to help them grow. We also added some googly eyes and a mouth to make a face. We have been watering them each day and are excited to see how they grow. We are looking forward to sharing updates on our potato heads next week. 



We have had a lovely week getting ready for world book day. We have enjoyed lots of stories in class and the children have shared with us their favourite books and characters. The children were excited to show us what they were dressed as for world book day on Friday! We think they all looked fantastic!


Welcome back to all of our families! We hope everybody had a nice half term. We have had lots of fun settling back into Pre-school this week. The children have enjoyed lots of messy play mixing cornflour and water to make gloop. They used all sorts of different resources to make marks in it. Shapes, spatulas, brushes and their own hands. They had a great time experimenting with it!

Cambridge Festival of Stories - 21st to 28th February 



Exploring nature 

The first signs of spring are starting to show and the weather has felt like spring too this week. We like to get out whatever weather but we love it when the sun is shining and it feels a bit warmer. There's lots to explore in our nature area including den building among the trees, looking for signs of life in the pond and hunting for bugs and insects under logs and bushes. We love being outside learning about our environment and are looking forward to watching various life cycles of plants, the pond life and insects which live in the nature area. What a lovely way to end the half term!

We hope everyone has a lovely half term break and we look forward to welcoming you all back from the 26th February! :) 



It was safety week this week in school. In Pre-school we did lots of activities in class using all sorts of our skills. We used our cutting skills cut out pictures of safer strangers, we used our mark making skills to trace patterns and even looked at pictures of rooms in our homes and found the things that were unsafe. The children were so good at finding thing that were unsafe and talking about them. We also sat together and talked about safer strangers, we explained that strangers are people that we or our grown ups don't know and should't talk to and safer strangers are people that we may not know but can help us, you can recognise some safer strangers because they wear a uniform. 


The children have been very creative this week. We have been making a big bus to make a new display for our board. The children used paint on their hands to create hand prints to fill in the bus. They also all had a go at drawing their faces so that everyone can be added to our Pre-school bus. We can't wait to show everyone what it looks like when it's finished. All the children have been working together really well to put it all together!


The children have enjoyed lots of mark making this week using all sorts of resources. They have used their own individual books to draw their own pictures and used our new number trays to try and copy marks in the sand. Some had a go at some letters from their name! Outside we used the powder paints with a little water and mixed them together using brushes to paint the playground. The children made our playground look beautiful with the lovely bright colours. 


We have had another busy week this week. The children have had a lot of fun exploring our new sensory trays, this week we have had sand and shaving foam in them. The children have had lots of fun exploring the different textures and smells. We even enjoyed added some paint to change the colour of the shaving foam and using it to make shapes. They have also been doing lots of mark making with the chalk pens, making patterns and practicing some letter formation. 



Happy new year to everyone! We hope everyone had a lovely Christmas break. Welcome back to all of our families and welcome to all of our new families who have joined us this term. We have had a lovely and busy week settling in. The children have enjoyed coming back to Pre-school and our new children have had a great week settling in and making new friends. They are all settling well into their routines and joining in lots of different activities. We are looking forward to getting out and visiting the nature area and field next week. 



Merry Christmas

We want to wish everyone a merry Christmas and happy new year. We hope you all have a lovely break.

We look forward to seeing our current children at 8:30am on Friday the 5th of January for our exciting Pantomime trip to see Mother Goose!

We will welcome our new children from Monday the 8th of January 2024. 


Christmas arts and crafts 

We had a lovely week this week and are definitely feeling very festive after our arts and crafts this week. It was lovely to have some of the children's grownups visit us and  make some crafts with us and even sing some songs! We had lots of fun showing the parents around the classroom and all of the displays that the children helped to make. They were very proud of their work and their singing and they absolutely should  , they sang so beautifully and our displays look great with all their hard work. 



We have had a really busy week this week getting ready for our arts and crafts session next with with our grown ups! We have been making some festive hats and practising some festive songs! We have also been practising some phase 1 phonics  activity where the children were tuning in to sounds. We also had fun making a caterpillar for our school art competition, the children took lots of pictures of things in our environment and then printed them and cut them up and making them into a caterpillar.


There was a lot of excitement decorating our Christmas tree's this week in Pre-school and of course we had to have one for each room so we had 2 tree's to decorate! The children all helped to decorate the tree with baubles and tinsel. We think they look magical! The children have been very excited to share and tell us about their own tree's and decorations at home and what they might have seen being out and about with their grown-ups. 


Fine motor skills/ threading beads

The children have had lots of fun this week making all sorts of things using string and beads! They worked really hard to thread the beads onto the string and enjoyed seeing their finished activity. There was lots of beautiful jewelry being made! We also had lots of fun getting ready for Christmas and preparing to decorate our class Christmas tree's! Watch this space for more photos ! :) 


Mark making

We had fun doing lots of mark making this week. The children loved using all sorts of resources to do this including shaving foam, powder paints and cotton buds. The children mixed the powder paint and the shaving foam together to make beautiful colours and then used the cotton buds and their fingers to make different patterns and even some letters from their name. 


Anti-bully week

The week is national Anti-bully week. In Pre-school we use our class charter to help us with our school rules Be safe, Be kind, Be responsible. This week we talked lots about being kind and all the children are making lots of great friendships. They are all really good at helping each other, sharing and taking turns and using kind words like 'Please' and  'Thank you', also knowing that we can go to others for help and our friends will help us too. We are always learning that everyone is unique and different in their own way. 




We are delighted to welcome you to ‘Bedtime Stories at Shirley’ which will be held on Thursday 16th November 2023 from 3.30pm-4.30pm. We would like to invite you to share magical stories with your children and be mesmerised by our local storyteller Marion Leeper who will be bringing books and stories to life. There will also be a chance for you to sit in a cosy space with blankets and cushions to enjoy books with your child in the school hall. We look forward to seeing as many of you there as we can. Collect your child as normal at 3pm and access to the hall will be through the school office at 3:30pm. As part of the event children are invited to wear their pyjamas at Pre-school for the day. We look forward to seeing you there! 


We had a great week experimenting with paint this week. We talked lots with the children about the fireworks they had seen over the weekend and they really enjoyed telling us about them. We talked lots about the noises they made and the beautiful colours they saw. The children enjoyed using different colours and toilet rolls to print their own fireworks. 


Leaf Rainbow

We had a lovely time collecting different coloured leaves when we visited the field this week. Once we dried them out we used glue to stick them onto some paper in the shape of a rainbow. We found all sorts of coloured leaves including red, yellow green and brown. We loved discovering all of the beautiful autumnal colours as the weather is changing.  

October 31st 2023

The children really enjoyed scooping out pumpkins and seeing them carved out for Halloween. They loved making our classroom nice and dark so that we could see the pumpkins lit up and glowing beautifully. We even saved some seeds that we had scooped up and will plant them to hopefully grow our own!

Applying for a Reception school place for September 2024


If your child will be aged 4 by the 31st August 2024 you need to apply NOW for a school place. The deadline for this is the 15th January 2024. Applications made after this date will not be considered until the second round of allocations and you may not get your preferred school as they are LATE applications. To apply for your child's Reception school place click on the link below.

For more information about applying for a primary school place follow the link below:   

Flu vaccination for 2 to 3 year olds


If your child was aged 2 or 3 by the 31st of August 2023 they are eligible for a free flu vaccination. This is given as a nasal spray. If you would like to find out more or would like some more information call your local GP or follow the link below. 



We have had alot of fun with messy play this week. We were donated some pumpkins and had fun exploring them. We started by opening them up and investigating what was inside! We found lots of seeds and scooped them out. We then saved them and decided to make potions! We used Shaving foam, bicarbonate of soda and vinegar to make the potion bubbly then added the seeds, food coloring and even some glitter to add a little sparkle. The children really enjoyed mixing and making potions.


What a busy week we've had this week! We have been den building in the playground using the resources we have and working together to build an amazing house. We have also been on a bear hunt in the nature area! We looked high up in trees and low down in the long wavy grass to find a big bear, a medium sized bear and a small bear. They were good a hiding but the children at pre-school are excellent bear hunters! 



It was lovely to see everyone back to school this week and we hope everyone is well! We have enjoyed a busy few days in Pre-school finishing off our hungry caterpillar display. We have been using our art work whilst reading the story of the hungry caterpillar to act out what he eats. The children have enjoyed seeing their work get put up onto or display for everyone to see and it we enjoy seeing all of their beautiful creations. This story is definitely one of our favourites. 


We have had a very arty week this week using paint and printing with paint to make some pictures for our new Hungry Caterpillar display. The children have really enjoyed getting to know the story and creating artwork ready to display in our classroom.  We have also really enjoyed making the most of the beautiful weather we still have at this time of year and had lots of outdoor play! The children are excited to see our Caterpillar display come to life when it starts to go up on the wall. Hopefully it doesn't make us all too hungry :) 



We enjoyed carrying on our experiment from last week investigating what had happened to our water filled balloons that were put into the freezer. We carefully cut the balloon off to discover that the water had turned into ice! and the toys the children had put into them were frozen inside. We had to wait for the ice to melt before we could get the toys back out.  The children have also enjoyed painting some aliens, stars and astronauts that will go on a new display we are making. We had a lovely surprise this week as we were out playing in our playground , we heard an airplane flying above the school and looked up to see that it had drawn a smiley face in the sky :) the children were very excited. 



We have enjoyed another week of making friends and exploring in Pre-school this week. We used every resource the children could find! We have mixed paint into shaving foam and painted dinosaurs using all sorts of beautiful bright colours we even added a bit of sparkle using glitter, we enjoyed more messy play fun with shaving foam and ice to make a cool tuff spot perfect for penguins and polar bears! We started an experiment using balloons, water and small world people and dinosaurs, the children helped to fill balloons with water adding some small toys of their choice and putting them in the freezer. Next week we will see what happened to them :). We have enjoyed seeing all the children build lovely friendships with their new friends here in caterpillar class. 


New term!

Welcome back to all of our families, hello and welcome to all of our new families! We have had a lovely (and hot!) start to the new school year. The children have all settled in beautifully! They have really enjoyed exploring the classroom and our outdoor area and have had a lovely time making new friends and getting to know each other. They have had lots of fun with playdough and some arts and crafts. We have also enjoyed lots of stories, nursery rhymes and singing and dancing. Whilst the weather is still a little warm we make sure the children stay in the shade whilst we are using our outdoor area as much as possible and we always have water available for the children to drink throughout the day as well as at snack times. Please can the children be sent in with sun hats and apply sun screen before they arrive. 



End of term!

What a lovely end of term we have had in pre-school. The children have all been busy putting more bug hotels into the nature area and checking on our hotels we had put in previously. We had an amazing treat when we had a visit from a lovely lady called Tracy from Toni's Ices who brought her ice cream van with her! The children (and grownups :) ) really enjoyed their Mr Whippy ice cream, or lemonade lolly, so much! it was a lovely treat for the end of the summer term. The children all took it in turns to ask Tracy for their own ice cream treat and we all sat on the school field and enjoyed it in the sunshine. We have had a lovely year in pre-school and we wish all of the children moving up to reception the best of luck and we will miss you lots! 

And to the children staying with us we will see you after the summer holidays, pre-school is back open from the 4th of September.  

Have a lovely summer!

Week beginning 26th June 2023 

Eco week

This week in school was Eco week. In pre-school our project for Eco week was making bug hotels! We had a great time decorating cardboard and collecting all sorts of things, twigs, leaves and bark, to fill our bug hotels. We then visited the nature area to put some in there and next week we are going t explore what bugs have moved into our hotels. Also we had a bug snack themed activity where we used celery, olives, cucumber, chives, tomatoes, cream cheese and crackers to make our very own bugs! they were DELICIOUS!

Week beginning 19th June 2023

International Week

We enjoyed celebrating international week this week. Our chosen Country was Bangladesh! We have enjoyed looking at and making our own flags using pencils, crayons, glitter and even a giant collage flag. We learnt some facts about Bangladesh, where it is on the the map and even learning about the Bengali tiger! Some of our children shared with us some beautiful traditional clothing and one of our children shared some photos with us of Bangladesh from a recent family holiday! It was so lovely to see everything that they were so kind to share with us. We had a real treat at the end of the week and were donated some delicious food to try, there was Samosas, vegetable sprig rolls, Rice and lentils, it was DELICIOUS! The children really enjoyed trying the food. At the the end of the week we shared what we had learnt with the year 1 classes and they showed us what they had learnt about their chosen countries Brazil and France. We had a great time!

Week beginning 12th June 2023

We have had a very busy week this week in Pre-school making lots of things for our grown ups. We have been painting, sticking and even been practicing writing our name. We have also been enjoying the sunshine and  exploring our nature area. We found a caterpillar nest in the trees and have been enjoying exploring in around the tees and bushes keeping cool in the shade.

Week beginning 05th June 2023

Welcome back to all our families! We hope you all had a lovely half term. We have enjoyed settling back into Pre-school this week and enjoying the beautiful sunshine. With the weather becoming warmer we want to remind everyone to please send children into school with sun hats and sun screen applied. If your child attends all day and you would like sunscreen reapplied for the afternoon session please supply some for us to use. We are happy to label them and keep them in Pre-school.  Water is available all day for the children to keep hydrated and we will continue to go outside and enjoy our outdoor areas as long as it is safe to do so. 

Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!

Week beginning 22nd May 2023


You might have seen some little creatures coming home with children this week but not to worry they are hedgehogs and they are all friendly! The children have had a great time making these over the past couple of weeks. One of our new TA's in class Miss Smith has been talking to the children about her pet hedgehog she has called Hazard! The children have been so excited learning all about Hazard and Miss Smith shared some pictures of him which the children used to reference when making their very own pet hedgehogs. They used all sorts of resources including card, paper straws, paint, glue and even some glitter glue.  

My Smile celebration

We were visited this week by a lady from the My Smile toothbrushing programme this week who came in to take some photos of some of the children who have taken part in the programme. She presented each class with a certificate and took some photos of some of the children. 

Week beginning 15th May 2023

We have had such a lovely week this week enjoying the sunshine. It was lovely to see how full and green the trees were looking in our nature area and we think we even spotted some tadpoles in the pond! We're excited to start seeing how they grow and hopefully we will see some caterpillars getting ready to turn into beautiful butterflies soon! We love getting out to our nature area and seeing all the changes of the seasons. 

We've also been enjoying getting plenty of exercise in our playground. We definitely have some future gymnasts in Pre-school and its great to see them showing off their skills! We had a great time with chalk outside this week using it to draw around ourselves and seeing how tall everyone is. The children drew their eyes, nose and mouths and big smiling faces on their chalk people!

Week beginning 8th May 2023

The children in Pre-school have really enjoyed finishing planting the rest of their sunflowers this week and have planted our class ones into bigger pots! We've had lots of fun seeing how tall our class sunflowers are growing and can't wait to see them start to flower. The children will be bringing their sunflowers home from next week and we would love to see pictures of how they do at home! If you would like to send in any pictures you can send them to our class email

Week beginning 24th April 2023

We started off the week this week enjoying the beautiful sunshine :) we had a great time getting back onto the school field exploring and playing! We have also started planting our sunflower seeds for our school sunflower seed growing competition! The children are really excited to see how much their seeds will grow as they look after them. We talked about what we can do to look after them making sure they are watered and get lots of sunshine :)

Week beginning 17th April 2023

Welcome back to all of our families and welcome to our new families that have joined us this term we hope you all had a lovely Easter break and didn't eat too much chocolate :) We have had a lovely and busy week settling back and getting to know our new friends who have joined Pre-school and of course enjoying the beautiful sunshine we have had this week. We are looking forward to exploring some more and starting our shapes display next week!

Week beginning 27th March 2023

This week has been a very crafty week in Pre-school. We have ben painting, gluing, taping and making all sorts of lovely pictures. We have also been watching our seeds grow that we planted last week! We have looked after it by watering it when the soil feels dry and it has been enjoying the little bit of sunshine in our window that we have had. The children have looked after it so well that we have had 3 buds appear this week. We are excited to see how much it grows over the Easter holidays! If you have any pictures of the plants we sent home with the children we would love to see them! Send them into our class email

We hope you all have a lovely Easter break! We look forward to seeing you all back on the 18th April :)

Week beginning 20th March 2023

We have been busy this week making spiders for our new 'Incy Wincy Spider' display. We have used all sorts of resources from pipe cleaners, paper plates, glue, wool and googly eyes. We have also been exploring lots of facts about spiders. How many eyes does a spider have? Have many legs do they have? Hopefully we don't scare too many people away with our spiders display :) 

Week beginning 13th March 2023

Science week

This week in school was science week. In Pre-school week used our Dino landscape that we had made last week to erupt volcanoes! We talked about the ingredients we used to do this and that putting them together created a reaction. The ingredients we used were Bicarbonate of soda, washing up liquid, red dye to make it look more like lava and finally vinegar! The children were amazed to see the reaction that it made! Although some of the children weren't too keen on the smell of the vinegar :) 

We were also busy with mothers day gifts and the children all planted some seeds this week to take home. We spoke about what the seeds would need to help them grow and how to look after them.  We would love to see any pictures of your plants when the seeds have grown! Any pictures you would like to share with us please send to our class email. 

Week Beginning 6th March 2023

Last week the children made a thankyou card for Harold the Giraffe who we met on the life education bus. We had a little visit last week from him to pass on his card to him. This week we received some special post in class! Harold wrote to the children to thank them for 'helping me to learn how to wash and brush my hair, wash my face and brush my teeth' . The children really loved receiving their card from Harold and remembering their visit from him.   

We have been enjoying lots of arts and crafts this week. We've used paint, glue, toilet rolls, tissue paper, cardboard boxes and shredded paper! We used all of these different resources to make a Dinosaur landscape including volcanoes. We have been preparing for science week next week ready to make the volcanoes erupt! The children really enjoyed getting stuck in mixing together shredded paper, paint and glue to make our volcanoes. 

Week beginning 27th February 2023

World book day 

This week we enjoyed talking about and reading some of our favourite stories. The children enjoyed dressing up as their favourite characters and sharing with us their favourite stories. As a school we looked at and read the story 'The wizard of Oz' and we enjoyed some craft activities based around the story. We made masks which the children enjoyed taking to the nature area with them pretending to follow the yellow brick road to the Emerald city! We also enjoyed colouring in pictures and cutting out characters to make puppets. 

Week beginning 20th February 2023

This week we were lucky enough to have a lovely visit from Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Life Education Centre. Pre-schools topic was 'Taking care of myself'. We talked lots about how we can keep our bodies healthy. We learnt lots about how to keep our lungs and heart healthy. The children enjoyed sharing with us what exercise they do to keep healthy from running, swimming and even sliding! We also made a new friend on the bus, a friendly Giraffe called Harold! His dad had packed him a wash bag and he wasn't sure what everything in there was used for so the Pre-school children were very helpful and helped Harold have a wash and tell him what everything was used for. They helped him brush his teeth, wash his face and even comb his hair. Thank you to Louise and Harold for inviting us to come and visit you on your Education Bus!

Week beginning 6th February 2023

This week is safety week at school and in Pre-school we have been talking lots about how to be safe in and out of school. As part of our safety week we have spoken about how to be safe when we meet other peoples pets and quite often we see people walking their dogs. We were lucky enough to have a special visitor in class this week! A puppy called Bobby! The children and of course the grown ups were very excited to meet Bobby. We spoke lots about how to approach dogs if we see them out and about and how it was very important to ask their owner if it was ok to say hello to their dog as some can be a bit nervous around new people. 

We have been very busy this week talking lots about how we can be safe. The children were very busy doing some activities that made us think about how we can be safe in different rooms in our homes. Also talking about what was safe to eat and NOT safe to eat and what is safe to touch and NOT safe to touch. We also talked lots about safer strangers and who we could ask for help if we needed it. 

Week beginning 30th January 2023

We've had a lovely week this week enjoying the slightly warmer weather and the lovely sunshine we had. We did some more exploring in our nature and got to have a good look in the pond to see if we could spot anything in it now that the ice has melted! The sun was shining which meant we could spot our own reflections in the water ! We also had a run around our school field and we decided to practice our kicking with some balls we took with us. 

The children enjoyed getting crafty finishing off some their Chinese new year inspired drums which we made out of paper plates they had painted last week. 

Week beginning 23rd January 2023

We have had lots of fun crafting this week learning about the celebration of Chinese new year. We have made and decorated lanterns and painted plates and toilet roll tubes ready to make them into drums and dragons. We have also really enjoyed exploring our school nature area which looked beautiful covered in frost at the start of the week.  

Week beginning 16th January 2023

It was a frosty week this week. The children have really enjoyed exploring outside this week discovering what happened to water in the playground during the cold weather, we talked about how the water had turned into ice and what happens to it when it is a little warmer in the sun. We enjoyed showing our new children the field. We also used some cheerios cereal and ribbon to make some bird feeders and necklaces. 

If your child will be 4 years old by the 31st August 2023 you must apply for their September 2023 Reception school place NOW if you haven't done it already. The closing date for applications is the 15th January 2023. 

Here's the link you need:   

Week beginning 9th January 2023

Happy new year! We hope you have all had a lovely break. We have had a lovely week welcoming back the children and hearing all about what they got up to in the holidays. Welcome to our new families who have started with us this week. The children have really enjoyed getting to know each other and making new friends. 

Week beginning 12th December 2022

What a fun start start to this week with a thick blanket of snow to play in!

We played on the field and in the nature area making some of the first marks in the fresh snow; some foxes got there first though! We made our own footprints and some snow angels - and of course we found time to throw some snow around too ;) 

Thank you to all of the family members to came to pre-school this week to help the children with some Christmas crafts and to have Christmas songs sung for them. It felt very special as we haven't been able to welcome families in to school much over the last couple of years. We all enjoyed it very much. 


9th December 2022


Thank you to Veolia for our Christmas tree and decorations.

Take a look at the photos below to see the pre-school children decorating it.

Our classroom looked fabulous! 

Week beginning 5th December 2022

We've had an exciting week with preparations for Christmas. The children have helped to decorate the pre-school rooms, have decorated three christmas trees (two in pre-school and one at the school's main entrance) and have even made some snow! It all looks wonderful :) 

Week beginning 28th November 2022

One of our families donated some books to us recently, including one called Stick Man. We love Stick Man! So, while playing on the field we collected sticks so that we could make our own stick men. Here they are; so cute.  

While we were at the field we also collected some leaves. Once they had been sorted into colour groups the children made a leaf rainbow. We think it's beautiful. 

Week beginning 21st November 2022

The pre-school children enjoy dressing up and role playing. But did you know, even Spiderman likes to play with cars, princesses like drawing and sticking and witches like sticking and wearing superhero capes! 

Week beginning 14th November 2022

This week has been anti-bullying week. As part of this the pre-school children were encouraged to think about some of their emotions and then consider what made them feel that way. They also practiced recognising the feelings of others which included understanding facial expressions. They had great fun making emotional faces to show each other! 

Also this week the children have been thinking about our school and class rules and what they do to follow these. They really are doing very well :) 

Week beginning 7th November 2022

More exciting news from many of the children this week about fireworks. They've chatted about the colours and sounds they saw while sharing their memories with us. We asked the children to chooses the colours of paint, chalk and glitter they wanted to use to make pictures. Then, they had a great time creating their own fireworks!  

Week beginning 31st October 2022

Welcome to the new half term.

With the change in the weather and the clocks it's feeling quite autumnal.

The children have been telling us all about their halloween experiences and about the yummy sweets they've consumed!

We've had fun digging seeds and flesh out of pumpkins this week while exploring the textures and smell of the fruit.  

Week beginning 17th October 2022

What a busy half term. Pre-school took part in the daily mile challenge and completed an amamzing 30 laps of the school field by the 30th September. The children have worked so hard and are very proud of themselves for being active and healthy. They really have earned their medals! They've also been enjoying taking part in dancing and singing activities. 

Week beginning 10th October 2022

We've been enjoying bear stories over the past few weeks; one of them is called Sneezy Bear. In the story the poor bear doesn't get to eat many of the different foods he finds because he sneezes so hard it blows away! This week the chilsdren have helped to make some pictures of creatures and foods from the story which we will use for a display in school. Then, as a snack they were able to choose a combination of blueberries, cherries and honey, like the bear had wanted, to taste with a pancke.   

Friday 23rd September

This week the children have been busy experimenting in the water tray with coloured water and different sized containers. They also enjoyed blowing bubbles on the field and chasing them as well as a teddy bears picnic.

Thursday 15th September

This week the children visited the nature area and the field for the first time. They enjoyed running and rolling down the grassy hill and exploring the the natural environment in the nature area. Leaves, sticks, grass, wild flowers and twigs were some of the things that they found while they were there and then used tape to stick them onto a big piece of paper. They had such a lot of fun discovering and using their gross motor skills.  

Monday 12th September


Friday 9th September 2022

Welcome to all our Pre-school families who are new or returning and we hope you had a lovely summer. We have had a lovely start to the term and the children have been settling in, making friends, and learning each other's names. We have been doing many different activities, including playdough, sand, water, mark making, and exploring the outdoor area. We look forward to having lots more fun over the next few weeks and showing you what we have been doing on this blog page.


Friday 1st July 2022.

This week in school has been Eco week and our project was to make some bug hotels for minibeasts. We went to the nature area and collected lots of natural objects like pieces of bark, leaves, sticks, pine cones and grass. Then we used cardboard from old cereal boxes that the children had collected during the week and decorated the inside of them with bright colours to attract the minibeasts, then we put all the natural objects inside and rolled the cardboard into a cylinder shape, tying it with string to keep everything inside and placed them in parts of the nature area where we though the bugs might find them. Have a look at our fantastic photos of what the children have been doing

Friday 17th June 2022

The children have enjoyed doing a minibeast hunt in the nature area. They had a minibeast tick sheet on a clipboard, and using magnifying glasses to help them explore the environment  for minibeasts. They looked under logs, in trees and in the mud. When they had found some, they then used a pencil to make a mark in the box next to that particular minibeast to show they had found it!

Friday 10th June 2022 - Jubilee Week

All this week the children have been enjoying activities to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee. They decorated biscuits using icing sugar with red, white, blue and silver sprinkles, and then sat and ate what they had made. They also coloured in union jack flags with the right colours, and made crowns from paper plates, decorating them with gems, sequins, and glitter. The children learned the song 'Street Party' and sang it in the hall in front of the invited guests. Here are some photos of the children enjoying all the activities.  

Friday 27th May 2022

During this week the children have been making the most of the nice weather and the outdoor space. They thought about how they would approach an activity, and what way they might need to do something to achieve a goal. They made use of the climbing frame, slide, balance boards, and the space around them to practice their physical skills which included balance, coordination, agility and spatial awareness. Have a look at the photos to see what they were doing!

Friday 20th May 2022

The Pre-school children enjoyed doing some foraging in the nature area. They found grass, flowers, sticks, mud and lots of other natural things. Then using pots, pans, spoons scoops and other tools they made their own concoctions, including mud pies, soup, magic potions and pirate pie to name a few! This was an exciting activity that encouraged them to use their imaginations and experiment with what they had found. 

Friday 13th May 2022

The children had a great experience doing some colour mixing this week. They used powder paint and water, and then used small brooms to mix the colours together on the ground. They had lots of fun watching what happened as they swept with the brooms and seeing the bright colours on the ground. This activity really helps them to strengthen their shoulder and arm muscles as they sweep, and is good preparation for early writing skills. It also helps with their language and communication by talking about what they can see and the colours they have made. 

Friday 6th May 2022

The children are having another go at planting some sunflower seeds. This activity helps them to understand about growing and how to take care of seeds and plants, what they need, and finding out what different parts of a plant are called. They will also enjoy watching their seed grow, seeing how tall it gets and learning new vocabulary to describe the way it looks like and what is happening.    

Friday 29th April 2022

Every week in Pre-School we practice maths skills like counting, measuring volume and capacity, size comparison and lots of other concepts. The children enjoy lots of different activities to help with their understanding of maths and these can include using coloured water in jugs and containers, playing games to help with counting and even making pictures with small parts.  

Friday 22nd April 2022

The children have settled back into Pre-school after the Easter break and have been spending time using their imaginations to create models using construction. Here they have used all of the wooden bricks to construct a house with a path leading up to it, and they even managed to find a space to park the cars at the top of the building!   

Friday 1st April 2022

This week the children enjoyed investigating natural materials like pine cones. They used their sense of touch to see what they felt like and thought about words they could use to describe them, like rough, and bumpy. Then had fun spreading glue onto the pine cones and rolling them in glitter to decorate them. 

Friday 25th March 2022

This week the children listened to the story of The Gruffalo in the nature area. After listening to the story and looking at the illustrations in the book they did some drawing on pieces of paper of an animal that they might meet in a wood. Here are some of their interpretations of the animals they drew.

Friday 18th March 2022

This week in Pre-School the children have been getting very messy. They had fun playing with purple slime, stretching, poking and kneading it with their hands. They also thought of words to describe it like 'sticky, 'slimy', and 'squishy.' Then on another day they made Geli Baff, mixing the ingredient with some water and watching it change from a liquid to solid, then feeling the texture of it on their hands. 

Friday 11th March - Science Week

This week in school was Science Week and the children have been planting some sunflower seeds. They put some soil into a pot using a scoop and then pushed the seed down into it, then with a little watering can they gave it some water. Afterward, they drew a picture of a sunflower on a small piece of paper which was stuck to a stick and put inside the soil so they would know which one was theirs. Over the next few weeks the children will be able to look after them and see how much they grow.

Friday 11th March 2022

This week the children went on a number hunt. Shiny plastic numbers were hidden in different places and the children went off around the the nature area to see if they could find them, and identify which number it was using a number line if they needed help. Then on a plastic sheet they laid out the numbers and counted them up to ten. The children had lots of fun looking for the numbers and tried really hard to put them in the right order. 

Friday 4th March 2022

The children had an amazing time on Thursday for World Book Day. They dressed up as characters from their favourite books and enjoyed having their photos taken. We listened to stories on the whiteboard and read books that their characters were from, and they had fun doing lots of role play too.  

Friday 25th February 2022

The children have been spending time doing lots of maths activities. They used 3D shapes to make different objects, like a rocket or a house, and used vocabulary like curved, straight, and pointy. They also found out about quantity and capacity by filling different sized containers with water and seeing what happened when pouring from one to another. The cubes were very useful to make number patterns and build up towers as high as they could!   

Thursday 10th February 2022

Wow what a busy week it has been! Continuing on with safety week, the children had a visit from Jon the Police officer and Jo the Firefighter. They talked to the children about their jobs and how to stay safe on the roads, the children were able to answer questions remembering what they had learnt about road safety, and then the visitors demonstrated what could happen if you don't were a helmet using Egbert the egg and a bowl!! Afterwards the children got to ask some questions of their own. We also looked at safety in the home and had a go at spotting the hazards in different rooms like the kitchen and bathroom.  

Monday 7th February 2022

This week in school is safety week. The children have been learning how to keep safe on the roads and have been very lucky to use some equipment to help them learn. They had a suitcase full of different types of things that you would see on the roads when out and about. We talked about what things were called and how to use them, and we also shared a book about about road safety. Afterwards the children had the opportunity to do some dressing up and practice how to cross roads safely. 

Friday 4th February 2022

The children have enjoyed making some playdough this week. They took it in turns to mix the ingredients together in a bowl and watched what happened as they stirred. When it had become a lump of playdough they used rolling pins to make it flat, cutters to make shapes and tools to create patterns with. Here are some photos of what they did. 

Friday 28th January 2022

At the field this week the children practiced throwing and catching skills. We took a large bag of balls, and in pairs, they took it in turns to throw the ball to each other to see if they could catch it. They had a real go at it and really enjoyed themselves, have a look at our photos to see how they got on.

Friday 21st January 2022 

The children have been noticing lots of changes around them. Last week it was water turning to ice and this week they have been looking after bulbs. Ms morel bought some in for the children to look after, and they have been watering them and watching what happens over time, have a look at the photos to see the changes that happened and how they took care of them!  

Friday 14th January 2022


It has been very cold this week, and the children have been observing what happens to water when it is left outside during the night. We put some toy fish in a container full of water, and then the next day the children noticed that it wasn't water anymore and it felt hard and very cold to touch. We talked about why this had happened and that the reason for it happening was because it had frozen while being outside and had turned into ice.


Friday 26th November 2021
The children made some magic wands out of sticks from the nature area. They used coloured yarn and natural objects like leaves, flowers, and grasses. They then took everything back to  Pre-school and used the yarn to wind it around the sticks, threading the natural objects through the yarn and sticking them down with tape. The children loved their wands and enjoyed making magic spells with them! 
Friday 19th November 2021
In Pre-school for Anti Bullying week, we have been talking about how to be kind to our friends and what things we can do to that are kind. We have shared a story called 'The Rainbow Fish' which helped the children to understand that being kind to each other makes people feel happy and included. We also practised sharing and taking turns with our resources and toys. We used things like a sand timer to help us with taking turns. 
Wednesday 17th November 2021
This week the children chose the activity 'make your mark' from the 50 things app. They had a go at colour mixing. They used the colours red, blue and yellow and mixed two colours together in little pots to see what colour they would make, then they mixed in a third colour to see how it changed again. The children painted the colours they had made onto paper, so they could see clearly how the colours had changed through the mixing process. This activity helped children to learn that you can combine colours together to make different ones and what changes happen when you put them together.   
Friday 12th November 2021
The children took part in a maths activity at the nature area. They explored the environment to see if they could find different sized sticks or twigs from the ground. Then on a big piece of paper, they lined up the sticks and twigs in order, starting with shortest all the way up to the longest. The children had fun finding out which ones were shorter or longer and deciding where to put them on the paper. It helped them to think about the mathematical concepts of long and short and to see how they looked when they laid them out in a line.  
Friday 5th November 2021
In the nature area this week the children went on a hunt for different coloured leaves. They looked around to see how many different colours they could find and then when they got back to Pre-school they sorted them into boxes according to what colour they were. Using the leaves they had sorted the children then made a leaf rainbow on a big piece of paper, making the leaves go round in an arch shape. The children had fun exploring the environment looking for as many different colours as they could find and then talking about the shape of a rainbow and what it looks like.   


Friday 22nd October 2021
This week we looked at the 50 things activity number 25 'creative junk.' The children used different types of junk like cardboard tubes, boxes, and materials to create their own junk models. They used scissors, tape, and glue to cut, stick and put the pieces together. This activity encourages children to use their imagination, by thinking about what they want to make, it also develops their vocabulary as they learn new words to describe what they are doing and making. They can also practice fine motor skills by using scissors, pens, pencils, and manipulating the materials to create their models. This is a fun activity that doesn't cost money because you can use what you have to hand.   
Friday 15th October
This week we explored number 6 on the app called 'Rhyme Time.' Children love singing and Rhymes, it helps with their language development learning new vocabulary and they start to understand the rhythm of language. It also helps with speech development as they use the muscles in their tongues and mouths to make different sounds. Acting out rhymes helps build their creativity and imagination too. The children sat round in a circle and took turns to sing their favourite rhymes, we used props as well to encourage the children to join in and have fun with the singing.


Friday 1st October 2021
Our topic this half term is all about bears. On our visit to the nature area this week, the children played a game with some teddies. Three different sized teddies were hidden around the nature area and the children had a go at seeing if they could find them.  They listened to some information about which direction the bears had gone in and some clues about where they might be hiding. They had fun trying to work out where the bears were and shouted out when they found them. This activity encouraged the children to develop problem solving skills by using information they had heard to help them find the bears.


Friday 8th October
Our 50 Things activity this week was number 48 'Natural Art.' The children collected natural objects like twigs, leaves, stones, and feathers from the nature area and then bought them back to the classroom. Using what they had foraged the children created different pictures like a tractor, a house, etc. This activity allows children to use their imaginations and support their creative development. It also gives them opportunities to explore maths principles like size, symmetry, and pattern. Their vocabulary will also develop by learning new words to describe what they are making.    


Friday 24th September 2021
 For our 50 Things activity this week we did 'Bubbles' which is number 8 on the app. Bubble play is a really simple activity that you can do in all weathers, and you can make your own bubble mixture by using washing up liquid in a bowl, and some added glycerine. For our activity, we used a bubble mixture that we had in Pre-school and we took it to the field. The children were able to take turns blowing the bubbles, seeing how high they went in the air, counting them, and jumping to pop them. Playing with bubbles helps children's gross motor skills as they jump up to pop them, it increases their vocabulary as they learn new words like blow, pop, fast, slow, high, low, etc., and encourages them to use numbers as they count the bubbles they have popped. This is a low-cost activity that you and your child can have lots of fun with and everyone can join in.
Thursday 16th September 2021


Welcome back, everyone!

 It's the start of a new term and we are carrying on with our 50 Things activities every week. This week we have been exploring the activity called 'squidgy sand' which is number 5 on the app. The children spent time in the sandpit making sandcastles and using the grabbers to grab the sand and then let it go again. They also moulded the sand into different shapes using their hands. Playing with sand encourages children to learn new vocabulary, for example when they are talking about what they are doing, they can also explore the properties of sand like, wet and dry, and concepts like patting, moulding and pouring. It is a really fun activity to do with your child and sand can easily be bought from supermarkets at a low cost.