Nuffield Road, Chesterton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 1TF
01223 712252

Home Learning


Welcome to the Year 1 Home Learning Page
Welcome to the Year 1 home learning page.  On this page you will find the weekly home learning tasks which include:
  • Sounds to learn
  • Reading
  • Number facts
  • An optional half termly project
Please send pictures of the half termly project to your child's class email.
If you have any questions regarding the home learning tasks please speak to your child's class teacher or email using the class email.
Home Learning for Tuesday 3rd October 2023
Dear Swifts and Robins, 
We are missing you all very much and we hope that you are feeling well. There are 4 activities ( Maths, English, Reading and Geography) that we would like you to complete whilst you are at home. Once you have completed your activities, you can email them to your class teacher or you can bring them into school with you on Wednesday. 
We hope to see you soon!
Miss Eaton and Miss Frost
Please watch the Oak National Academy video which focuses on finding 1 more and 1 less than a number -
After watching the video, please complete either the mild, spicy or hot activity below:
Using the Numicon number line will help you to find one more and one less!
In Geography, Year 1 are learning about all about hotter and colder climates. Please discuss the PPT with your child and then have a go at the activities.
Activity 1 - Draw an outfit that someone would wear in a colder climate and a hotter climate.
Geography home learning.pptx .pptx


In school, we have been learning about adjectives (describing words) and how they can make our writing more interesting.

1) Use your phonics fingers to work out what the missing sounds are for these adjectives. Have a go at filling the gaps or writing the whole words yourself.


Use the grapheme mat to help you remember your sounds.

GraphemeMatsPhase2and3.pdf .pdf

2) Choose your favourite toy from home or school. What adjectives could you use to describe it? How does it feel to touch? Is it bumpy or smooth? Is it light or heavy? What colour is it? Have a go at writing a sentence to describe your toy. If you like, you can use the sentence starter:

It is ____________.

Try to remember your capital letters, full stops and finger spaces!

Challenge: Write a few sentences with adjectives to describe your toy. Read your writing out loud to someone else at home and see if they can guess what kind of toy you have chosen.




Listen to the story 'Whatever next'. Discuss the story with someone at home and have a go at answering the questions together. We'd also love to hear your favourite part of the story when you're back in school!

