Friends of Shirley - PTA
NEEDS YOU!! Please contact the office to enquire about joining our PTA today and help us raise valuable funds for the school!
Welcome to our Friends of Shirley page!
Whether you are a new parent at Shirley or have had children at the school for some time, we’re pleased to welcome you to our dedicated area of the website for sharing information about us and our events and celebrating what your contributions make possible for the school!
As the Family and Staff Association for Shirley, we see our key aims as supporting the school by:
· Helping raise finance for resources that promote the learning and enrichment of all pupils
· Creating opportunities for the community of families and friends of the school to come together
We are a team of parents, grandparents, members of the school senior management team, and classroom and administrative staff that want to see children at the school thrive and make the most of every opportunity life at Shirley can give.
We meet each half term to listen to each other, to share ideas and to plan fundraising opportunities and events that children and families love and raise much valued funds for the school. We’d love to hear from you if you have a little time to give and would like to get to know other parents and staff at the school.
Please contact the school office for more information about our meetings and how to get involved!