Nuffield Road, Chesterton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 1TF
01223 712252


The Governing Body of Shirley Community Primary School and Preschool is a group of dedicated volunteers focused on setting and maintaining a strategic direction for the school.

The Governing Body:

  • Guides and helps plan the school's overall direction
  • Selects the headteacher, assists with the recruitment of teaching staff and approves decisions on staffing
  • Sets the policies that define how the school is run and ensure these policies are followed
  • Sets an annual budget
  • Reviews the progress of the school against agreed targets and objectives
  • Ensures the National Curriculum is taught
  • Makes sure proper safeguarding procedures are in place
  • Makes sure the school's statutory duties are followed.

The Chair of Governors is Mr David Abbott. To contact him or for information about Shirley Governors, contact the Clerk to the Governors, as follows: 

Governing Body 2024-25

David Abbott - Chair of Governors

Tracey Crawshaw - Clerk to the Governing Body

Standards Commitee:

Ruth Lockley - Chair of Standards Committee, Curriculum, Data; Parent Governor

David Abbott - English; Co-opted Governor

Scott Mathie - Maths, Building Learning Power; Co-opted Governor

Naomi Barker - Curriculum, Safeguarding; Co-opted Governor

Saskia Edwards - SEND, LAC; LA Governor

Harriet Riches - Safeguarding, Pupil Premium; Co-opted Governor

Liz Pickering - PSHE; Staff Governor

Dario Ummarino - PE, Sports Premium, Health and Safety; Parent Governor

Resources Committee:

Andy Atkins - EYFS and PreSchool; Co-opted Governor

Mikey Dowling - Sports Premium; Co-opted Governor

Andrew Morton - Wellbeing, Pay Committee; Co-opted Governor

Eniola Oyegunle - Health and Safety, GDPR, online safety; Parent Governor

Muhammed Al Yakub - Behaviour and Attendance, Governor Training, Equalities; Co-opted Governor

Mark Broadbent - Associate Governor

Rhiannon-Evans Ali - Associate Governor


John Cattermole - Headteacher - Standards and Resources meetings

Suzanne Wernham - Deputy Headteacher - Standards meetings

Emma Theaker - School Business Manager - Resources meetings


Full Governing Body Meetings comprise all of the above.

Approved Minutes FGB 110724.pdf .pdf
Code of Conduct 2024-25 Agreed 12092024.pdf .pdf
Committee Dates 2024 - 2025.pdf .pdf
Committee Terms of Reference.pdf .pdf
Instrument of Government.pdf .pdf
Register of Pecuniary Interests 202324.pdf .pdf
Shirley GB Committees and Roles 2024-25.pdf .pdf
Standing Orders.pdf .pdf