Nuffield Road, Chesterton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 1TF
01223 712252


Free School Meals

Registering could raise money for Shirley School

We ask all parents/carers to sign up for school meals as registering could also raise extra money for Shirley School from central government. This is known as Pupil Premium and is used to fund various things such as: extra tuition, teaching assistants, targetted support in class, support for families or school trips.

You can apply using this form here - it only takes a few minutes:


There is also further information in the documents below.
Remember, if your child has been receiving Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) and is moving into Year 3 you must apply to continue to receive free meals.  More information is included below.
Free_School_Meals_Application_Form_202021.pdf .pdf
Free_School_Meals_Explained_May_2020.pdf .pdf
Information_for_Parents_of_Children_Starting_Year_3_May_2020 1.pdf .pdf
Is_Your_Child_Eligible_May_2020.pdf .pdf