Shirley Community Primary & Preschool

Learning for life

Nuffield Road, Chesterton, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, CB4 1TF

01223 712252

Home Learning


Welcome to the Year 5 Home Learning Page
Welcome to the Year 5 home learning page.  Home learning tasks will be sent home every Thursday and due back on Tuesdays. Tasks will include:
  • Spellings
  • Reading
  • An English or Maths task
  • An optional half termly project 
If you have any questions regarding the home learning tasks please speak to your child's class teacher or email using the class email.
Blue Whales:
Tree Kangaroos:
Blue Whales and Tree Kangaroos 

Helping at home

Please find below some key documents and links that can help your child at home to make progress in their learning.

  • Common exception words
  • Multiplication tables and grid
  • Zones of Regulation information

Accelerated Reader Link  |  TT Rockstars Link  | Purple Mash Link  |  Bug Club Link  | Top Marks Maths Games Link  | Flash Academy Link |

 Multiplication Tables and Multiplication Grid.docxDownload
 Year 1 and 2 Common Exception Words.docxDownload
 Year 3-4 and 5-6 Common Exception Words.docxDownload
 Zones of Regulation Parents Information.docxDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Homework - Spring Term 2024

We understand sometimes homework gets lost (or forgotten!) Please find a copy of your child's homework here in case it is needed.

Spring 1 Homework

 1 Homework WB 07.01.24.docxDownload
 2 Homework WB 15.01.24.docxDownload
 3 Homework WB 24.01.24.docxDownload
 4 Homework WB 29.01.24 - Cool.docxDownload
 4 Homework WB 29.01.24.docxDownload
Showing 1-5 of 5

Spring 2 Homework

 1 Homework WB 26.02.24.docxDownload
 2 Homework WB 04.03.24.docxDownload
 3 Homework WB 11.03.24.docxDownload
 4 Homework WB 18.03.24.docxDownload
Showing 1-4 of 4

Summer 1 Homework

 1 Homework WB 15.04.24.docxDownload
 2 Homework WB 22.04.24.docxDownload
 3 Homework WB 29.04.24.docxDownload
Showing 1-3 of 3
Remote Learning
Home learning to be completed while school is closed on Tuesday 3rd October 2023.
There are four tasks for you to complete:
- English
- Reading
- Maths
- Art
You can record your work on paper and bring it into school on Wednesday or email your work to your classes email.

In our English lessons this week we will begin learning about biographies and but the end of the unit we will have written a biography about Harriet Tubman and a biography about an inspirational figure of your choice.

Watch this video to find out about the features of a biography. After you have watched the video, write down what features need to be included in a biography.

Challenge: Write down the types of facts you might use in a biography

e.g. When the person was born


Open the file called 'volcanoes' and read the text. Think about these questions, if you can, talk to an adult about what you think.

  • What is the text about?
  • What is the text type? (e.g. a letter, extract of a fiction book, blurb, fact file, website, email etc.)
  • What do you think the purpose of the text is?
    • To entertain
    • To persuade
    • To inform
      • Why do you think this?

Now, you are going to complete some retrieval questions.

Retrieval skill recap:

  • Read the text
  • Read the question
  • Identify the key words in the question
  • Use skimming and scanning to find the answer in the text using the key words
  • Write your answer

Now, complete the retrieval questions in the document below. You can choose to complete mild, medium or spicy.

 03.10.23 reading questions.docxDownload
Showing 1-2 of 2


Last week, we were rounding numbers. Please spend some time consolidating this learning using these activities.

You can choose to complete mild, medium or spicy. There is a challenge at the end for everyone.


We have been sketching using graded pencils and charcoal in school. For your art task, we would like you to have a go at sketching someone or something important to you using whatever you can find at home.

It could be a pencil or pen or even using an app on a phone or computer. You might even want to go outside and see if you can find something to draw with.

Let’s see what you come up with!